Since june 2020


To Inspire, Connect, and Empower Black Wrestlers and Allies to Grow Wrestling

through Representation, Equality, and Opportunity.”


Towards the end of May 2020, Nate Jackson and Kyven Gadson had a phone conversation about the current environment specifically related to how black people, males in particular, are being treated in our society. After their conversation, they began to reach out to other black men, who they had relationships with, to seek support and counsel.

Through their efforts a large group of black men, from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, participated in a call to share experiences and support each other. The call crystalized a need to shift focus from simply creating a “safe space” for black men to share experiences and support each other to focusing on generating a plan to create positive change on a broader scale using wrestling as the common platform.

A leadership group or Founding Members (Jordan Burroughs, J’Den Cox, BJ Futrell, Kyven Gadson, James Green, Mark Hall, Kevin Jackson, Nate Jackson, Kerry McCoy, Kenny Monday and Gabriel Townsell) was established and began regular communications. These communications lead to formation of the Black Wrestling Association – BWA.

The founding members recognized the need to be efficient and effective in order to create positive change, have a meaningful impact in our community and provide pathways for maximum success on and off the mats. With this in mind, the founding members conducted a strategic planning session. The group reviewed its current environment by assessing internal strengths and weaknesses and external threats and opportunities. This information was used to establish, prioritize and achieve goals (both short and long term) and create a plan to manage potential obstacles.

Strategic Vision

  • Be a well-known and highly regarded organization amongst the wrestling community and beyond as the leading supporter and advocate for Black Wrestlers
  • Define a robust representative identity and purpose focused on maintaining a high level of member satisfaction
  • Fortify outreach efforts among organizations throughout the nation
  • Achieve change through education and advocacy while building partnerships within and outside of the Black Wrestling Community
  • Establish a marketing and branding collaboration strategy
  • Demand equitable opportunities for personal and professional development for Black Wrestlers in all areas



Advisor to the Board – Andy Barth

Executive Committee

Omari Patterson


Kerry McCoy

Vice President

Jordan Murphy




Jasmine Fields

Interim Exec. Director


Hardell Moore

Iris Smith

Jamill Kelly

Jordan Burroughs

Kenny Monday

Nigel Cross

Obe Blanc

Othella Lucas


Akil Patterson

Kurt McHenry